

The project STAMINA  was launched in September 2020. It focuses on strategic and crisis management in the event of a pandemic. It will offer the use of new concepts in predictive modeling and pandemic crisis management in general, which will potentially help streamline national health planning systems, from the level of strategic planners to the first respondents. Existing crisis frameworks will be reinforced by intelligence derived from pandemic datasets and models and advanced visualization technologies to a) predict the spread of disease, b) estimate the impact of a (socio-economic) pandemic crisis on public health in general, and c) support decision-makers in implementation of the most appropriate response strategies, including resource planning and overall crisis management. Each demonstration will include several simulation exercises involving the complete stakeholder chain necessary to test and validate the new proposed end-to-end concept, including cross-border cooperation. The aim of the large-scale demonstrations will be to provide stakeholders with a direct opportunity to collaborate on the validation of new concepts, thus significantly improving situational awareness and decision support skills of relevant organizations in strategic and crisis management in a large number of EU Member States. The project will result in a commitment from stakeholders to share and implement the preparedness and resolution strategies developed in the project and to implement validated new approaches at national and cross-border level.

In the project, TPEB is responsible for the Czech demonstration and activities in the field of standardization and public outreach.


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The mission of TPEB CR is to establish scientific-research and industrial platform, aim of which is to support activities relating to research, development and introduction of new technologies ensuring protection of critical infrastructure in areas of energy industry and cybernetic.
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