5. 10. 2021

We invite you to a virtual participation in the final conference of the SecureGas project

The conference “The 3S Clustering Event” will be held in Fodele, Crete – Greece on 12-13th of October 2021.

We invite you to a virtual participation in this exceptional event, which will present the results of the project in which TPEB CR participates as a member of the SecureGas project consortium.

The event is organized by the community of three Horizon2020 Critical Infrastructures (CI) security projects – SATIE, SAFECARE, SecureGas – that will present the innovative results they have achieved through focused presentations and interactive sessions.

SATIE, SAFECARE and SecureGas are three EU funded projects, related to critical infrastructure protection, and more specifically cyber and physical security of airport, hospital and natural gas infrastructures. All projects are reaching to their end, having achieved concrete and innovative results in their domain. These results will be presented by all three consortia, during this upcoming event, through focused presentations and interactive sessions.

The conference offers the possibility to attend several sessions regarding best practices, innovative technological solutions, security frameworks and demonstration results, all contributing to the great challenge of making the aforementioned sectors more safe and secure. Also, keynote speakers from the three projects SATIE, SAFECARE, SecureGas will present policies, frameworks, security studies, emerging findings as well as lessons learned.

Please register for free to participate in this conference HERE

* Following your registration, a virtual ticket with the necessary instructions will be sent to the email you provided

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The mission of TPEB CR is to establish scientific-research and industrial platform, aim of which is to support activities relating to research, development and introduction of new technologies ensuring protection of critical infrastructure in areas of energy industry and cybernetic.
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